Getting to The Shed
You can walk or cycle to The Shed from the A325, from Budds Lane, or you can cut through from Chalet Hill to the South East of The Shed.
You can get the 13 or 23 bus that stops on High Street, 2 minutes walk from The Shed
There is plenty of parking adjacent to The Shed, and in the Parade Square, just north of The Shed, accessed via Budds Lane or the A325 Relief Road. Follow what3words ///albums.barks.dusts
Free parking in all Town Centre Car Parks will now be extended to two hours from December 2022:
· FREE parking between 6pm-8am every day
· Outside of these hours, the first 2 hours are FREE
· …after which parking will be charged at £1/hour
· Up to a maximum of £8/day charge for parking
The rationale behind this tariff, and why parking charges are required in the first place, include:
· A duty to encourage increased walking and cycling around the town and reduce the reliance on car travel where possible
· To regulate the car park and ensure it isn’t abused as a free long-term car park by people who are not using the town centre.
· Making it too convenient to drive into town, and to The Shed, might encourage drink driving which is unacceptable.
· All car parking revenue received by WBRC goes entirely towards maintaining the town.
If you have a Blue Badge, you can register it with us for Free Disabled Car Parking in Whitehill and Bordon Town Centres here -
The Shed,
Sergeants Yard,
GU35 0DJ
What3words ///albums.barks.dusts

Around the Shed
There's loads of great businesses around The Shed, here are our favourites...
Converted from a former Edwardian school, The Phoenix is Hampshire's friendliest little venue, centre based in Whitehill and Bordon. The intimate theatre space plays host to over 100 shows a year including comedy, drama, music and dance.