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Pop Up Booking Page

Pop Up Unit Booking Page

This page is only for booking the ‘pop up’ unit at The Shed. Please DO NOT put a booking in unless you have confirmation from the markets team at The Shed.

If you are interested in booking the pop up unit at The Shed please contact Sharon on markets@theshedwb.com or call 01420 489060.

Add one ticket to your cart then increase quantity for each day you have agreed with the unit coordinator.

Pop up ticket for less than 5 days £35/day
Only book this ticket if you are booking for 2, 3 or 4 days.

Pop Up ticket for 5 days or more £25/day
Only book this ticket if you are booking for 5 or more consecutive days


The Shed Opening Times

*Please check individual Shop pages for vendor opening hours.
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 8pm


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